Saturday, December 22, 2012
I was in Loblaws Barrhaven on Thursday, looking for tapered candles. After checking in a variety of aisles that may have stocked the candles, I came across an older lady apparently looking for for something as well. She said to me, "I'm loooooking for naaapkins but I want the laaarger kind and I can't seem to fiiiind them," in a fairly thick Scots accent. I looked at her with surprise and thought of Mary right away. I replied that "It's hard to find things in this store since they moved the departments around." The lady said she had been waaaaadering around the store for some time. I told her that if I saw any, I'd let her know, but I didn't see any napkins and I didn't see her again. It brought tears to my eyes as I carried on with my shopping. Funny how some things happen. I'll miss Mary.