Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Cara Pina,
Non troviamo le parole per esprimere la nostra tristezza per la perdita del vostro caro marito. Possa Dio darvi la forza e il coraggio di cui avete bisogno per affrontare ogni domani. I nostri pensieri e preghiere sono con voi. La nostra profonda simpatia, Joe, Joanne, Julia & Josie Mancuso
Dear Domenic, Terri, Dean, Joyce, Enzo, Frank, Nancy and families,
Words may not suffice to express the heartfelt sorrow that we feel for the passing of your dear father, father-in-law, grandfather and great grandfather. Vincenzo was a very friendly, kind and selfless soul. May the beautiful memories of your loved one bring you comfort and solace during this challenging time. We extend our condolences to the entire Palumbo family and may you find peace knowing that his spirit will continue to live on through each of you.
With prayers and deep sympathy, Joe, Joanne, Julia & Josie Mancuso